Should We Ban Homework? Expert’s Opinions
Homework yes or no? A very comprehensive topic, but pretty much every student would simply answer with "yes". But would it really be intelligent to abolish these tasks? Homework is actually an exercise for the student and usually a repetition of tasks from the lesson. Do they have to be exhorting the students to do their homework? Because if no one does the work anyway, one could omit them at the same time. If one omitted the homework, however, one would have to do more in the classroom and could almost never make a varied program. But that would be unfair to those who would do the homework.
On the other hand, the students would have more free time and would not have to work every day after school, apart from normal learning for the school. Students would have more time to prepare for upcoming lessons, and could thus concentrate entirely on this subject. If teachers were to make it clear to the pupil that if this homework would make it possible to carry out a more relaxed lesson, pupils might rather be doing homework. Whether that would work is another question. In the end there would be no more exercises, students would have to repeat the material they had taken at school, in some way or another. This could be held in the form of written repetitions, work in small groups, oral examinations, etc. In preparation for these repetitions, homework could be given, in which each student can choose his own, whether he wants to do it or not.
Another possibility is to introduce a full-day of school. Students would have school daily until 4 pm or 5 pm, whereby they would be singled out, learning hours distributed throughout the day. This way they could work out autonomous exercises and any learning material. These learning periods would, of course, have to be supervised so that the students really learn. Thus the students would have their free time after a school day and would have to learn nothing more.
If you are interested in leisure activities, the whole-day school would not be a serious limitation, since the leisure activities can also be arranged in such a way that they start only after the end of the school. The disadvantage of the learning hours would be that each individual is not completely concentrated on his work, since the learning hours are always carried out in groups. Teachers should motivate students to do more homework with a more relaxed lesson. Too much homework can be a bad thing, especially for children. But at the end, it's about, one should find a way to balance work, family, school and happiness. This is the best way to deal with any kind of issue. That is what Etta Kralovec, an associate professor of teacher education at the University of Arizona South advises.
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